Thursday, April 14, 2005

Today's Outdoor Cat update.

No kittens yet.

The Outdoor Cat is continuing to settle nicely into her prison cell, or as she’s finally beginning to understand, her luxury hotel room. She spends a lot of time sprawled in front of the window overlooking the front yard. In fact, near as I can tell, she sleeps there at night, so she clearly feels a lot more comfortable than the first night when she hid in the closet.

She’s certainly eating a lot, but that’s to be expected if she’s eating for six. And she’s gotten over all pretense of shyness. When I come into the room, she launches into a complex medley of meowing, purring, and head-butting. She does a convincing act of being happy to see me; even after I’ve fed her, so it just might be sincere.

She also makes a wide variety of meows and trills. While most of them are clearly feline-based, a couple reveal that she’s spent time watching movies: she has a growl that is a dead-on imitation of an Ewok, and a trill that sounds just like a Skeksis.

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