Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Today's Cat update.

Mother and kittens are finally doing well. The poor Little Mama was unhappy and grumpy this morning, and I discovered why this afternoon - she still had a stillborn kitten or two inside her, which she was finally able to deliver while I was off at work today. So when I looked in on her this evening, she looked tired but satisfied and willing to have company. The four kittens seem to be fine. They appear to eat most of the time, and then sleep the rest of the time, the better to save up energy so they can eat.

When I came home from work early yesterday, my neighbor was out working in his yard and wondered why I was home early. (Clearly he was hoping I'd mow my own yard, and he was out of luck in that regard.) I told him about the cat and that I expected I'd have kittens, and that got him started. He knew the cat well - it being the neighborhood stray, and all - and noted that this was at least the third year it had had a litter of kittens. Last year's litter was delivered in his trailer, and when he discovered them, he went into the house to get a box so he could take the kittens inside and then to the SPCA so they could be adopted instead of growing up to be strays. By the time he got back outside, though, Little Mama had moved them to a different hiding place. So he was kind of impressed that I was able to capture her and get her inside, and pleased that I plan to get her spayed. He also confirmed that she didn't have any owners, not that this came as a huge surprise.

Mia is clearly unhappy with this newest turn of events: having to share her house with one Alien Cat was bad enough, but five of them? She is planning her revenge. Some of that revenge includes inappropriate pooping, I've discovered.

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