Friday, April 30, 2004

Nightline's roll call.

Tonight's Nightline is going to read the names and show the photographs of U.S. servicemen and women who have died in Iraq. So, naturally, someone who owns 8 ABC affiliates has decided to boycott tonight's show because it places attention on people who have died, which therefore means it's trying to press public opinion towards getting out of Iraq. Whereas the patriotic thing to do, as the Prez has shown us, is to pretend that there are no dead American servicemen and women, which justifies the continuation of the pretend war.

Update: For another take on this owner's action - and more on the owner, himself - see Moore's Lore.

Perhaps I'm a cynic (O, no; not you, John), but I can't imagine who would watch the show tonight. Maybe friends and relatives of the folks who have been killed, but why would anyone else? Watching the show would be as impersonal and with even less meaning than watching, say, a televised Memorial Day observance.

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