Wednesday, September 28, 2005

If it's September, it must be time to put up the Christmas decorations.

And you know? Nothing quites says "Christmas" to me like a whole gaggle of life-size inflatable characters who appear nowhere in the Bible. Like the Christmas Eeyore and Roo.

Sure, the Christmas Spongebob Squarepants reminds us of what Christmas is all about: giving, and more importantly receiving, presents. And Tigger reminds us of the value of Christmas vacations.

And if, for some strange reason, you'd prefer to get ready for a holiday that's only one month away, instead of three, you could always get an inflatable Halloween costume. And not merely inflatable, but continuously inflating with a continually blowing fan. One of my favorites is the ridable ostrich, with the ballerina a close second.

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